Google has rolled out one extremely helpful service in the form of free, real-time Web statistics–and one expensive yet useful service, Analytics Premium.

The Good News: Real-Time Web Analytics

One of the huge drawbacks of Google Analytics when compared with other Web analytics tools was that it only offered credible data from the previous day. There was no real way to track same-day stats or the impact of content shared on social media sites.

If Google has switched the feature on for you, you’ll be able to see it by switching over to the new version of Google Analytics by clicking on “New Version” in the top right-hand corner of the page. If it is enabled, you will see it by clicking on your Dashboardstab if you do it now, or your Home tab if you are trying it out next week. Google calls this Real-Time, and it may be the excuse you need to nuke your paid Web analytics solution. Read more

2010 – another year, and another round of changes expected to come in the new year. From Googles pending dance that could shake up the Search space, to a foreseen boom in mobile advertising (likely in 2011), to some who tout conversion rate optimization being the big thing in 2010 (IMHO was covered in 2008/09). Unfortunately I don’t get to write on here as much as I’d like due to demanding clients ;-), though I thought it would be timely to cover a few points that touches on what the crystal ball holds for 2010.

And with Google dance around the corner, and the push on conversion optimization, what better time than to touch on some of the essential metrics that SEO (search engine optimization) specialists, marketers and business owners should be tracking and reporting. Its essential to know these metrics so you know your SEO ROI is being attained, or at least paying back some dividends. And yes, there are a number of important metrics to benchmark and that provide valuable insight…but these are the areas I see as ‘essential’ in you business intelligence SEO tool box, especially if our crystal ball vision is true with Google’s dance and conversion rate optimization. Read more

Google Local Listing AnalyticsYou read right. Adding to the arsenal of website and business intelligence tools such as Google Analytics, Google launches in October the new beta analytics view of Google Local Business Center.

Operators and owners of websites who have already created a Google Local Listing, can now view the performance of their Google Local listing directly within the Google Local Business Center.

What are Google Local Listings? The Local listings by Google is a it’s a combination of Googles popular Google Maps and Google Local Business Listings, organic search results, and complimented with optional sponsored Search results from Google’s Adwords program (paid search marketing). Read more

Earlier this month we started down the path of “landing page strategy testing – is it worth it?“. Landing pages can be an extremely useful tactic to increase conversions in a campaign. Employing landing pages is typically utilized in paid search campaigns, internal conversion pages and more recently, email marketing campaigns.

This week I’ll continue the subject on landing page strategy and jump into the second step; Test Strategy – determining pages worth testing. Determine your target page for testing by working down the list in order of importance and priority of your defined goals.

Start with visitors who are already leads. These individuals are those who are in the “action-mode” and ready to convert (purchase/opt-in/download, etc). They have already begun the journey down your conversion path. Utilize your analytics (ex. Google analytics), ‘Goals’ (if set up) and the conversion funnels. The conversion funnel overview will provide insight into page attrition of the leads who area already in the conversion mood. By establishing KPI’s in the conversion path such as page attrition, will allow you to easily gauge any positive or negative impacts of visitors in the conversion path. This itself will speak volumes of where to begin testing and optimization.

Again, this may cover the conversion paths of your eStore checkout, or your opt-in page, or a paid search campaign. Whatever area you identify is most critical to the success of your goals, is the ideal place to start. Read more

Landing page testing and optimizationEnhancing a campaigns performance in the Search channels such as a paid search campaign, or even in an email program, if done properly can reap those conversion rewards, or whatever your defined KPI’s (key performance indicators) may be. Though when traveling down this path of designing, building and executing landing pages, the necessity to test is critical. Just as with a paid search campaign, email promotional or lifecycle campaigns, eStore check out sales funnel and your run of the mill homepage, the need to test to optimize is integral to maximize your online the outcome you’re seeking…whether it be increased signs ups, conversions, sales, opt-ins, opens, click thru’s etc.

Understanding what’s worth testing is that “ah-ha” many marketers face and tend to pull random ideas out of the hat. The issue I’ve found with marketers is not necessarily deciding if they should test…but rather understanding what variables they should test. While almost any variable on the landing page could be tested – raised CTA (call to action), key messaging above the fold, dynamic keyword population, localization to the visitors geographic city or region, larger images/buttons/text, content layout stemming from heat map reports, etc., the list can go on and on.

So what is worth testing? Here are my guidelines on what’s worth testing. Read more

I recently had a client discussion about the significance of measuring the success of Online Marketing campaigns, and the importance of defining criteria of the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). This discussion led to the big question – what analytical tool for my website is right for my business.

While there are many tools and free apps on the market any business could use, some great for mom & pop businesses, I’ll cover the use of the available tools to measure online business performance, and identified KPIs that would further help gauge the conversion goals defined for the site, and the web marketing efforts. If you’d like to learn more about what website analytics can do for your online business, visit our website analytic services page to get an overview of the areas where we can help you understand the business intelligence of how your website is performing, and where and how to improve the site to increase sales and conversion rates.

What is The Right Analytical Tool for Me?

web analyticsConversation rates and goal conversion. What is it and why is it needed? Goal conversion, which can be defined into separate conversion types, and measured via KPI’s, is simply a measure of a pooled data, and requires proper planning and delivery.
There are a number of analytical tools that are readily available and can be used for the purpose of website data collection and interpretation…interpretation in the basic sense. Some of these tools are free (hint hint mom & pops) and others smaller to more significant investments. Omniture Site Catalyst, Click Tracks, RedSheriif, Web Trends, Google Analytics etc. 

The appropropriate choice of which application to acquire should be based Read more