In those kind words, it was still a good question someone asked upon me the other day. I’ll let the infographic describes it best (see below). Inbound and outbound marketing, their buzzy words the last few years yet everyone seems to have a slightly different response to it.

In my view, inbound marketing is a marketing strategy that a user or customer dominates or controls.  It  focuses on a specific and targeted group rather than the masses, yet its fair to say the masses can still be funneled through it (ex. websites and search).  Inbound marketing is essentially an online based marketing tool that has shown strong and effective results. Read more

A recent study published projects mobile paid search advertising revenues in the US, which includes iPads and other tablets, could account towards 22% of total search revenues. (chart inside)

Published by Efficient Frontier (EFF) and Macquarie Capital, the study provides further insight into where businesses are shifting their advertising dollars; not just from traditional channels to online, but also how digital budgets are being allocated to each marketing channel. Read more

In the next month, Google will introduce the Google +1 button and personal recommendations to display ads. A very similar ad strategy approach as Facebook has already started, Google appears to be following suite.
The Google +1 button will begin to appear on AdSense for Content and AdSense for Mobile Content display ad formats — image, animated gif, and Flash. +1s will be one additional signal to help determine an ad’s relevance and Google will continue to show the ads that will generate the most revenue for you. Read more
What better way for a professional socialite as Kim Kardashian to stay connected with her followers, and build her personal brand through Twitter and Twitter advertising.  The same can apply to your local business, whether is online or offline.
Apart from Google AdWords PPC or the collaborative Microsoft Ad Centre between Yahoo and Bing (MSN), placement advertising, ad buys on social media websites as Facebook,  LinedIn and now Twitter are also gaining importance in a campaign buy.
Similar to Facebook Advertising, Twitter also provides an advertising platform with access to millions of eyeballs immediately. Twitter advertising can be quite effective for gaining mass exposure, as its one of the top 10 most visited sites in the world. In addition, its direct response medium that most followers or users of Twitter will receive the ads through their web browser, email, retweets to social profiles and directly on their iPhone, Blackberry or Android. Read more